This Kaleidoscope light is one cool vintage light. It is globed and works like a projection on a wall or ceiling. Great for large areas, it really looks like you are looking through a kaleidoscope as it changes and morphs into different patterns and colours. No stand is required.
Perfect for:
1 in stock
This Kaleidoscope light is one cool vintage light. It is globed and works like a projection on a wall or ceiling. Great for large areas, it really looks like you are looking through a kaleidoscope as it changes and morphs into different patterns and colours. No stand is required.
Lights To Party offer a delivery, set up and pick up service for our clients, however to qualify for this service your order must be a minimum value of $100.00. If your order is under $100 you can collect the lights and drop them back yourself from our location at Forestville on the Northern Beaches.
Standard delivery is based on Lights To Party delivering and setting up your lights within business hours 9am – 4pm and picking them up the following day within business hours 9am – 4pm. Standard delivery is also based on easy access. i.e. no stairs, parking available and your event or party area is no more than 20m from where our vehicle is parked.
Standard delivery can be within 1-2 days prior and after your event if required/suitable.
Custom delivery is when you require Lights To Party to deliver, set up your lights and collect them either;
If your event area has difficult access such as no loading zone, no parking, stairs or is more than 20m from where our vehicle is parked this also qualifies as a custom delivery and we will need to provide a custom quote for the delivery in these cases.